A buyer’s agent can offer professional advice on selecting a property and negotiate to get the property for the buyer at the best price and terms. Since sellers generally pay the brokers’ commissions, these services are free to the buyer.

A buyer’s agent can tell you things the internet never will such as: Is the property involved in litigation? Are there noise or crime issues? How are the schools? How much have homes in this neighborhood been selling for?

Looking on the internet for houses is fine but you need an agent to help you decide which properties are really a good match for your specific needs. Since you can use the services of a buyer’s broker for free, why wouldn’t you? If you see a home on the internet or while driving around, and would like more information, please contact us.

Yes! Anyone considering the purchase of a new construction home should work with a Realtor that can represent you in negotiations with the home builder. We can protect your interests. There is no cost to you for this service (the builder pays our commission fees). For more information on assistance with new homes and new home builders, please contact us.

Yes! Hone owners selling their own homes are usually very happy when a real estate agent brings them a buyer. In additions, we can provide you with invaluable assistance in negotiating the price and terms of the sale and help you through a process that can sometimes be confusing. It’s always best to have a buyer’s agent looking out for your interests. Just contact us with the address and phone number or the owner and we will take it from there.

If you have not already signed a buyer agency agreement with another real estate agent, we can show you any home listed for sale in the Atlanta Metro area – including new built homes. Regardless of where you find a home (on the internet or driving by), you can call us to find out all the details and schedule a preview.

There are several low-interest grants and down payment assistance programs available to first-time home-buyers in Georgia. The programs vary depending on your location, your mortgage source, and your income. The requirements and benefits of each program will also vary. Please contact me for more information on what’s available in the area you are interested in.

NO!  Like you, I despise high-pressure sales tactics and people. You have my assurance that neither I nor my team members will ever pressure you to do anything. We are here to provide real estate advice and hopefully earn your business. And we won’t promise something we can’t deliver.

Earnest money shows good faith and that you are serious about buying the property.  Typically, sellers ask for one percent of the sales price, and it is credited toward the purchase, unless there is 100% financing.  The contract will spell out the conditions for when earnest money is refundable and when it is not.

Since the seller generally pays the brokers’ commissions, our services are free to the buyer.

When you submit a purchase offer, unless you will pay cash, you must provide evidence that you qualify for the loan. Otherwise the seller won’t take your offer seriously.  There are two types of evidence you can provide:

Prequalification. This means you have spoken with a lender and, based solely on the information you told them, the lender is willing to provide a written statement that they believe you will qualify for a loan. It only takes a few minutes and can be done over the phone.  This is not as strong as preapproval.

Preapproval. If you are serious about buying, this is the way to go. You get preapproved for a loan by submitting a formal loan application and having the lender verify your credit, employment, etc. Once you are preapproved, all that is needed is an appraisal on the property that you choose. Preapproval makes you look like a cash buyer in the eyes of a seller and gives you more negotiating clout.

The greater the down payment, the less the monthly mortgage payment will be and the more immediate equity you will have in your home. The lenders we work with offer programs that feature down payments as low as 0% to qualified individuals.

In addition to the down payment, the amount of closing costs will depend on several factors, such as the selling price of the home and the type of mortgage.

Yes! You need to know exactly what you are buying. It could be very disappointing to find out after you have purchased your new home that you are going to have to spend lots of money for unexpected repairs.



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